Wednesday, January 14, 2009

SeaCprofiles: Bretts of a feather...

I was heading home after my dentist appointment for some spro cleansing among other things (sans harsh scrubbing mind you-benszo) when what to my wondering eyes should appear at the bus stop... but Brett Walker, his lovely wife, and their sleepy just-turned-one baby.

I was glad to chat him up about NWRBC since I botched my plans to attend it last weekend.  Brett, you'll remember, broke to the finals this year and performed quite admirably from what I've read.  I first met Brett back at the 2007 NWRBC when I was live blogging the festivities with Zoka's Wes and Nikki.  Brett had the privilege of being the only performance that I accidentally erased.  I had worked extra hard on his, too, with us sharing a name and his unparalleled facial hair making me question my own mutton-choppy-ness.  I still feel like a doofus.

Well enough about this Brett... more about Brett Walker.

It sounds like Zoka is keeping Brett's coffee journey busy and interesting-- helping with store activities, training folks, and even traveling to new accounts to help them get dialed in.  When Brett's not exploring the outer reaches of the coffee-verse, he can be found affectionately stroking his enviably-long beard and spending time with his terrific wife and kid-o.

Keep up the good work Brett!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

wha.. wha... WHAAAT? Oh no you didn't, Michaele Weissman. (not really)

I was thumbing through my raft of coffee blogs when I read a passage on GiaCoC that made me double-take "a near perfect cappuccino at the legendary Cafe Vivace".  Michaele Weissman- you take that back, sister.  I have frequented Espresso Vivace for nearly a decade, even clandestinely when I was employed by others in the coffee industry and I have yet to have an experience there that was less than perfect, not to mention a drink.  

I really don't know why or how Vivace gets it right every time.  I'm no Vivace fanboy- it's just that they have their game (espresso) and they play it WELL.  
* Single origin espresso?  Take it down the street buddy.  
* Brewed coffee from a Clover, pour-over, or drip machine?  Don't let the door hit ya, foolio.

Believe you me, I have given them chances to disappoint- arriving very early in the morning uncaffeinated and irritable, showing up right before closing for a bag of chilly decaf-- they seem incapable of doing wrong.  The line's really deep?  Guess what- homeboy from the back is going to tool up, get synesso 2 firing and personally escort you to his machine, far away from the rabble where you're the only customer in the world.  

The only complaint I have ever lodged against Vivace is that they don't grind whole bean coffee for home use- a charge that is without merit after the first 30 seconds of any coffee class or first 30 pages of any reputable book on brewing coffee at home.

Espresso Vivace is unassuming, delivers the highest quality, and has come up with the most elegant solution I have seen to date for serving espresso- do it well, do nothing else.

### confidential message to David Schomer- what's a guy have to do for a part time gig as your bar back?  I have four words for you:  will work for spro.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Team Trabant... bringing the thundah

Beware NWRBC'ers... trabant is bringing their A-game.

I was lucky enough to wander into t2 today and catch Matt Longoria dialing in his competition blend. I won't bias the judges with my descriptors, but let it be known that the comp blend (in expert hands of course) delivers a tayyysty spro and delightful cap.

Spyz should return to their hidey-holes... but Seatown coffeegeeks should definitely swing by t2 PRONTO to taste the coffee warez that will be in the thick of competition at this weekend's NWRBC.
Good luck Matt and Alex! Hope to catch you there, too Tom.