Friday, December 19, 2008

outside = snow, inside = spro

Would love to be outside visiting shops and talking coffee, but this Seatown cold snap has trapped me in the house. I'm making the best of it, though. Getting some reading done for my new job, spritzing up miss silvia (long overdue), pulling some Dolce, and baking some bread.

Also hoping this guy's latest plan involves coffee...

Sunday, December 14, 2008

viccy- keeping it up

The times at victrola are a-changing, but when I stopped by 15th ave after brunch at coastal kitchen this afternoon, the crew seemed to be keeping up appearances... and quality. Hipster baristi serving up pretty hip coffee, esmerelda included (whole bean only). My macchiato was dandy and the folks in line and taking up all the tables seemed satisfied to be there.

Friday, December 12, 2008

private message to the minister of coffee...

Where's our 79 cent reusable coffee cup? Yes, yes, I know if I bring in my own ceramic you'll give me a discount and I won't have the "free" taste of paper in my mouth, but can't we meet halfway? You and I both know I'm too lazy to remember my ceramic every time... and you don't want me to forgo my coffee whim, do you?

Let's make a deal. You give me a thin wall ceramic cup I can use, say 10-20 times around the house and I'll give you 79 cents and remember twice as hard next time to bring my good ceramic.

Pretty please?

Thanks t2!

Being downtown does have its advantages...

An Epic espresso and a cup of Kenya Nyanja does an office afternoon right. Say hi to Shinji (sp?), Trabant's very own international barista intern the next time you're in.

Don't forget to peep the swank wood paddles on the cyncra the next time you're in. The stella tap steam wand has left the building (assembling a kegerator Michael? do tell...), regardless this 3-anfim operation is still tight.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's just you and me, old girl

We're gonna make it through this sister, the two of us. Linea? Oh, she meant nothing to me. We just worked together. It's your spro I really want...

Thursday, December 4, 2008


Hello World, I am happy